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Why do I need final expense insurance?

Final expense insurance provides peace of mind. Why? Because it ensures that you are financially prepared if you were to die today and keeps the financial burden off your loved ones.

Why not just call the insurance company directly instead of working with you as a broker?

You’re welcome to but remember they will be limited in what they can offer. Since I don’t have a specific company I’m trying to sell for, I can search multiple insurance carriers to find a policy and price that fits your needs. Also, I’m at your beck and call day or night.

Can’t my kids deal with this and bury me in the backyard?

The truth is that 90% of the time, the burden falls on one person, and that is one of your children. Life is tough enough without this being thrown into your kid’s lap, and it just makes sense to keep this off of their plate by removing the financial burden.

What if insurance companies have already denied me coverage due to poor health?

Even if you have been denied coverage in the past, there are still options that I can help you explore. That’s the benefit of working with me as an insurance broker.

What if I have a terminal illness?

I talk with and help people in this situation find coverage that fits their needs all the time. How? Because I know this industry and care about my clients.

I’m super healthy and don’t need insurance!

I’m so glad you take care of yourself! I can get you a better insurance rate and have you lock in now while you’re still healthy. The longer you wait, the more expensive this problem becomes and the harder it gets! Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face by life, so don’t wait.

What if I’m on a fixed income?

I often work with good people on a fixed income, so I know how to help you get coverage that counts. I’m not interested in stretching you because I know you’re on a budget.

Won’t the government pay for my final expenses because I’m on social security?

The short answer is no. Social Security only pays a tiny $255 death benefit.

If I already have life insurance, can I get additional coverage?

Absolutely! Getting additional coverage is a great idea! It’s called policy stacking, and it allows you to get the amount of coverage you desire if an insurance company is limited in what they can offer you.

I have enough money and don’t need life insurance!

You’re a wise retiree and are good with money! Savvy retirees like you know that if you’ve got enough money to write a check for $21,000 right now, then you’ve got enough money to pay a small premium, so you don’t have to!

I can’t afford to buy insurance!

I help many people in the same situation that make way less money than you. Let me run a couple of smart options by you that may help, and what you do with this information is up to you.

I need to wait before making a decision.

You know we have today, but we are not promised tomorrow! Your goal is to get the coverage you want to keep the burden off of your loved ones, so don’t wait. And the longer you wait, the harder it becomes and the more expensive it becomes. I know people who didn’t act while they had the opportunity, and they ended up leaving behind a legacy of regret.

What’s the difference between term and whole life insurance?

Term has an end, while whole life doesn’t have an expiration date. You may have term insurance through an employer, but this will likely end after 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years. We look at whole life options for retirees because it offers that peace of mind knowing your coverage doesn’t expire and your rates don’t go up.

Can I choose who my beneficiary is?

You can choose whomever you want as your beneficiary, and you can change this at your discretion.